Sunday, February 13, 2011

Niagara on the lake ....

The Shaw Cafe ....

Upper Canada's first Parliament began here in Niagara on the Lake in 1792.
At that time the town was called Newark, and it was declared the capital of Upper Canada, which is now present-day Southern Ontario.
The building is now the Court House Theatre and is part of the Shaw Festival.
Later the Parliament was thought to be to close to the American border for comfort, and was moved to York (now Toronto) in 1796.
During the 1812 war, the buildings in York were burned by the Americans, and the Parliament was moved again, and this time finally, to Ottawa in 1866.

This is the Prince of Wales hotel. The horse and buggy rides alongside it look to be a year round attraction! A bit too draughty for my tastes at this time of the year though ....

Talking to a local - I was told that this rebuild used to be the site of an old fire hall.
"Old" as in horse-drawn wagons I mean.
Apparently, the fire wagon was kept here, and above it were suspended the horses harnesses.
The horses were led in from a nearby livery stables (now also gone), and the harnesses were lowered onto them. Ingenious, and it worked .....

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