Monday, September 20, 2010

Washington DC ....

George Washington's estate at Mount Vernon ....

The top pic is of George Washington's house at Mount Vernon. A never ending line of visitors snake through it all day long.
We were in that line going from one plexiglas-screened-off-room to the next. Everyone was Oooh and Aaah and agog with the wonderful sights of America's history!! 
Going up the beautiful original staircase with the rest of the crowd, I realised that the great George himself must have held the same handrail that I was now holding, so I asked a nearby guide if Washington had in fact used this route - to which the reply was "Most certainly - yes".
Everyone stopped and was now in awe of the handrail, almost afraid to touch it, let alone use it for support  :-)) 
To see history was obviously something - to touch it, and actually hold it was something else entirely!!
Here's a link to Mount Vernon's very comprehensive website ....

The next pic is of his farm on the estate.
The larger building in the centre background is the sixteen sided treading barn.
He designed and built it for more efficient grain threshing.
The interesting story of its necessity and development can be found here ....

PS. The zig-zag cedar fencing is as was used at the time, and is freestanding. Therefore it can be placed anywhere, and to make an enclosure of any size. No gates were needed. Clever eh??

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